Intensely wrong

So my other half is like a girl when it comes to chocolate. He loves it and is the type to scoff a whole bar down his throat, whereas I, the girl, can keep a bar in the fridge for weeks and just eat the odd square here and there. Clearly, we’re not normal.

Anyway, his love for chocolate extends to all things chocolaty including brownies, cookies and so on. Recently I got this new recipe from Nigella Lawson called “Intense chocolate cookies” and I made half the mix and froze the rest ready for one of his cravings.

Today he took it upon himself to take the dough out of the freezer and bake some cookies. He was clearly excited at the prospect of baking his own cookies, not to mention eat them and then the following conversation takes place over Skype:

Him: what do i do with this cookie dough
Him: oh god it tastes so good
Him: really need to know how long in the oven!
Him: honestly, you go afk at the most innapropriate moments. nothing you are doing can be as important as cookies. nothing.
Me: are you there?
Me: what’s happened to the cookie dough?
Me: is it in your tummy?
Him: 🙂
Him: how long does it cook for and on what setting
Me: right… go to my recipe book under baking
Him: christ
Me: what?
Him: you should be a doctor
Me: haha
Him: 18 mins at 170c
Me: there you go
Me: you have to use a soup spoon to spoon them onto the tray and don’t flatten them and leave 6cm inbetween them
Him: dont flatten then?
Him: oh fuck
Him: i made them all cookies shaped
Me: what?
Me: |-(
Me: then they’ll be like pancakes
Me: they spread
Him: are they going to get wider?
Me: yes
Him: oh hell
Him: oh well
Me: can’t you mix em up again?
Him: no i stuck them in now
Him: oh well will wing it and see what happens
Him: oh fuck
Him: its all gone terrinly wrong
Me: what?
Me: why?
Me: was it too hot?
Him: i didnt know they were going to expand so i made them on a wire tray
Him: and they melted through it
Me: oh my god… a WIRE TRAY?!?!?!?!
Him: YES
Him: just dont fucking say anything
Me: I’ll make you new ones ok?

*shakes head*

And here’s the evidence: