Tall or Grande?

I live with someone who used to drink coffee until he was 9 at which point he decided he was going to give it up. Advanced for his years. Anyway, he’s stuck to his guns and 27 years later he doesn’t touch hot drinks unless they’re chicken noodle flavoured and he often muses how he’d like to be able to go to Starbucks and order a ‘mochachocalatteskinnybirdblondecappachiono’.

I’d like to see him try.

Hopelessly bored

I’m sure I should be doing something constructive.  Anyway.

Realised today that I’d been riding my bike on flat tires, no wonder it took me 10 minutes longer to get to work recently. And not to mention how everyone was overtaking me and how much hard work it was. So, I finally got the tires pumped and boy what a difference.

Meanwhile, all I feel like doing is eat cake and shop.  Wanna stuff my face with cake and more CAKE. And I wanna buy the whole of Zara and I wanna buy all the christmas decorations in John Lewis. I want, I want, I want. And I wanna a lot of money to be able to buy all that.


Going to make a cup of tea and eat some nuts. Hrmpf.